Friday, July 3, 2009





Menimbang : a. bahwa Indonesia telah meratifikasi Konvensi Jenewa 1949 dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 59 Tahun 1958 yang substansinya mengatur antara lain mengenai penggunaan dan perlindungan Lambang Palang Merah dan Lambang Bulan Sabit Merah sehingga Indonesia berkewajiban mengimplementasikannya dalam peraturan perundang-undangan nasional;

b. bahwa dalam sejarah perjuangan bangsa Indonesia untuk mencapai, mempertahankan, dan mengisi kemerdekaan, Lambang Palang Merah telah dikenal dan digunakan sebagai lambang pelindung dan lambang pengenal dalam kegiatan kemanusiaan oleh masyarakat Indonesia;

c. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam huruf a dan huruf b, perlu membentuk Undang-Undang tentang Lambang Palang Merah;

Mengingat : Pasal 5 ayat (1) dan Pasal 20 Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945;

Dengan Persetujuan Bersama



Pasal 1
Dalam Undang-Undang ini, yang dimaksud dengan:
1. Lambang Palang Merah dan Lambang Bulan Sabit Merah adalah suatu simbol yang berfungsi sebagai tanda pembeda, baik sebagai tanda pelindung maupun tanda pengenal dalam kegiatan kemanusiaan sebagaimana diatur dalam ketentuan Konvensi Jenewa 1949.
2. Lambang Palang Merah adalah suatu simbol berbentuk palang merah pada suatu dasar putih dengan atau tanpa kata-kata palang merah.
3. Lambang Bulan Sabit Merah adalah suatu simbol berbentuk bulan sabit merah pada suatu dasar putih dengan atau tanpa kata-kata bulan sabit merah.
4. Lambang Palang Merah Indonesia adalah suatu simbol yang berbentuk palang merah dengan ciri-ciri tertentu yang digunakan secara resmi oleh perhimpunan nasional Indonesia.
5. Kegiatan kemanusiaan adalah kegiatan yang bersifat meringankan penderitaan sesama manusia yang dengan tidak membedakan agama atau kepercayaan, suku, jenis kelamin, kedudukan sosial, pandangan politik atau kriteria lain yang serupa.
6. Perhimpunan Nasional adalah perkumpulan sukarelawan dari suatu negara yang telah menjadi anggota Gerakan Palang Merah dan Bulan Sabit Merah Internasional.
7. Palang Merah Indonesia adalah perhimpunan nasional Indonesia yang menjadi anggota Gerakan Palang Merah dan Bulan Sabit Merah Internasional.
8. Menteri adalah Menteri yang membidangi urusan pemerintahan di bidang pertahanan.

Pasal 2
Lambang yang digunakan oleh Indonesia dalam kegiatan kemanusiaan yang dilakukan oleh dinas kesehatan angkatan perang atau Palang Merah Indonesia adalah Palang Merah.

Pasal 3
Ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 2 tidak menghalangi penggunaan lambang Bulan Sabit Merah atau lambang lain dalam kegiatan kemanusiaan di wilayah negara Indonesia yang dilakukan oleh dinas kesehatan angkatan perang atau anggota Gerakan Palang Merah dan Bulan Sabit Merah Internasional dari negara lain.

Yang dimaksud dengan “lambang lain“ adalah lambang pembeda yang lain yang diakui dalam hukum humaniter internasional, seperti Lambang Kristal Merah.

Pasal 4
(1) Lambang Palang Merah atau Lambang Bulan Sabit Merah hanya digunakan oleh dinas kesehatan angkatan perang dan/atau anggota Gerakan Palang Merah dan Bulan Sabit Merah Internasional untuk Kemanusiaan.
(2) Pihak atau organisasi selain sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dapat menyelenggarakan kegiatan kemanusiaan di Indonesia sepanjang tidak menggunakan Lambang Palang Merah atau Bulan Sabit Merah yang diatur dalam Undang-undang ini.
(3) Penyelenggaraan kegiatan kemanusiaan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2) dilaksanakan secara berkoordinasi dengan instansi terkait dan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan.

Penjelasan ayat (3):
Dalam ketentuan ini yang dimaksud dengan ‘‘instansi terkait‘‘ misalnya, Departemen Luar Negeri untuk kegiata yang dilakukan oleh organisasi internasional atau organisasi asing lainnya.

Pasal 5
Kegiatan kemanusiaan yang dilakukan oleh perhimpunan nasional Indonesia menganut prinsip-prinsip dasar Gerakan Palang Merah dan Bulan Sabit Merah Internasional.

Pasal 6
(1) Lambang Palang Merah dibuat dengan warna merah di atas dasar putih dengan ketentuan panjang palang horizontal dan panjang palang vertikal berukuran sama.
(2) Spesifikasi teknis Lambang Palang Merah sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) adalah sebagaimana tercantum dalam Lampiran I Undang-Undang ini.
(3) Lambang Palang Merah sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) berfungsi sebagai tanda pelindung dan tanda pengenal.

Pasal 7
(1) Lambang Bulan Sabit Merah dibuat dengan warna merah di atas dasar putih.
(2) Spesifikasi teknis Lambang Bulan Sabit Merah sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) adalah sebagaimana tercantum dalam lampiran II Undang-Undang ini.
(3) Lambang Bulan Sabit Merah sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) berfungsi sebagai tanda pelindung dan tanda pengenal.

Pasal 8
Lambang Palang Merah dan Lambang Bulan Sabit Merah sebagai tanda pelindung hanya digunakan untuk memberi tanda pelindung bagi tenaga kesehatan, rohaniwan, sarana atau unit-unit, dan transportasi kesehatan angkatan perang di darat, laut, dan udara baik pada masa damai maupun pada masa sengketa bersenjata.

Pasal 9

Lambang Palang Merah dan Lambang Bulan Sabit Merah sebagai tanda pengenal hanya digunakan untuk memberi tanda pengenal bagi seseorang atau objek yang berkaitan dengan anggota Gerakan Palang Merah dab Bulan Sabit Merah Internasional.

Pasal 10
Lambang Palang Merah sebagai tanda pelindung hanya digunakan untuk memberi tanda pelindung bagi tenaga kesehatan, rohaniawan, sarana atau unit-unit, dan transportasi kesehatan Tentara Nasional Indonesia di darat, laut, dan udara baik pada masa damai maupun pada masa sengketa bersenjata.
Pasal 11
(1) Lambang Palang Merah sebagai tanda pelindung dapat digunakan oleh Palang Merah Indonesia, tenaga kesehatan, rohaniawan sipil, sarana atau unit-unit dan transportasi kesehatan, dan organisasi kemanusiaan lainnya setelah mendapat izin dari Menteri atas rekomendasi menteri terkait.
(2) Rekomendasi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) tidak berlaku bagi Palang Merah Indonesia.
(3) Ketentuan lebih lanjut mengenai tata cara pemberian izin dan rekomendasi diatur dengan Peraturan Pemerintah.

Pasal 12
Lambang Palang Merah sebagai tanda pelindung harus dibuat dalam ukuran yang memudahkan untuk diidentifikasi dari jarak jauh.

Pasal 13
Lambang Palang Merah yang digunakan sebagai tanda pelindung tidak ditambah dengan gambar, tulisan, atau tanda dalam bentuk apa pun.

Pasal 14
(1) Menteri mengeluarkan kartu identitas dan ban lengan bagi tenaga kesehatan dan rohaniawan Tentara Nasional Indonesia, petugas Palang Merah Indonesia, tenaga kesehatan, rohaniawan sipil, dan organisasi kemanusiaan lainnya.
(2) Kartu identitas dan ban lengan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) harus selalu dibawa dan digunakan dalam menjalankan tugasnya.
(3) Bentuk, ukuran, bahan, dan spesifikasi kartu identitas dan ban lengan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) ditetapkan dengan Peraturan Menteri.

Pasal 15
(1) Tenaga kesehatan dan rohaniawan Tentara Nasional Indonesia sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 10 yang menggunakan Lambang Palang Merah sebagai tanda pelindung harus mengenakan ban lengan pada lengan kiri.
(2) Ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) berlaku juga bagi tenaga kesehatan dan rohaniawan sipil yang diperbantukan pada Tentara Nasional Indonesia yang menggunakan Lambang Palang Merah sebagai tanda pelindung.
(3) Penggunaan Lambang Palang Merah sebagai tanda pelindung pada bangunan ditempatkan pada atap bangunan.

Pasal 16
Dalam hal Lambang Palang Merah digunakan sebagai tanda pelindung bagi kendaraan darat, pesawat udara, dan kapal laut, penggunaan lambang tersebut dapat disertai dengan penggunaan sinyal yang biasa digunakan sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum atau kebiasaan internasional yang berlaku.
Pasal 17
Dalam hal terjadi sengketa bersenjata, para pihak yang terlibat dalam pertikaian wajib menghormati dan/atau memberikan perlindungan kepada mereka atau objek yang menggunakan Lambang Palang Merah dan Bulan Sabit Merah Internasional sebagai tanda pelindung sesuai dengan ketentuan Hukum Humaniter Internasional.
Pasal 18
Ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 17 dapat juga diberlakukan pada saat terjadi kerusuhan atau gangguan keamanan.

Pasal 19
(1) Penggunaan Lambang Palang Merah sebagai tanda pengenal di Indonesia harus mendapat persetujuan Ketua Umum Palang Merah Indonesia.
(2) Ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) tidak berlaku bagi Komite Internasional Palang Merah, Federasi Perhimpunan Palang Merah, dan Bulan Sabit Merah Internasional serta Perhimpunan Nasional Palang Merah atau Bulan Sabit Merah negara lain.

Pasal 20
Lambang Palang Merah sebagai tanda pengenal digunakan baik pada masa damai maupun pada masa sengketa bersenjata.

Pasal 21

Lambang Palang Merah sebagai tanda pengenal hanya digunakan oleh anggota perhimpunan, petugas, atau pada bangunan, dan sarana lain yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan kemanusiaan.

Pasal 22
Ukuran Lambang Palang Merah sebagai tanda pengenal harus dibuat lebih kecil daripada ukuran Lambang Palang Merah sebagai tanda pelindung.

Pasal 23
Lambang Palang Merah sebagai tanda pengenal dilarang untuk dikenakan sebagai ban lengan atau ditempatkan pada atap bangunan.


Pasal 24
(1) Lambang pengenal bagi Palang Merah Indonesia adalah Palang Merah dilingkari garis merah berbentuk bunga melati berkelopak lima di atas dasar putih.
(2) Spesifikasi teknis Lambang Palang Merah Indonesia sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) adalah sebagaimana tercantum dalam Lampiran II Undang-Undang ini.

Pasal 25
Lambang Palang Merah Indonesia hanya digunakan oleh anggota perhimpunan, petugas, bangunan, dan sarana lain yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan Perhimpunan Palang Merah Indonesia.

Pasal 26
Lambang Palang Merah Indonesia dilarang untuk dikenakan sebagai ban lengan atau ditempatkan pada atap bangunan.

Pasal 27
Palang Merah Indonesia dapat menggunakan Lambang Palang Merah sebagai tanda pengenal untuk mendukung penyebarluasan Hukum Humaniter Internasional dan prinsip-prinsip dasar Gerakan Palang Merah dan Bulan Sabit Merah Internasional, pengumpulan dana, atau kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan kemanusiaan sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam Konvensi-konvensi Jenewa 1949 dan Keputusan Konferensi-konferensi Internasional Palang Merah dan Bulan Sabit Merah.

Pasal 28
(1) Lambang Palang Merah Indonesia hanya dapat digunakan oleh pihak lain untuk tujuan yang mendukung kegiatan kemanusiaan setelah mendapat persetujuan Ketua Umum Palang Merah Indonesia.
(2) Dalam hal pihak lain menggunakan Lambang Palang Merah Indonesia bersama-sama dengan logo atau merek suatu produk barang atau jasa untuk kepentingan mendukung kegiatan kemanusiaan, persetujuan diberikan apabila telah memenuhi syarat-syarat:

a. tidak menimbulkan kerancuan pada masyarakat;
b. Palang Merah Indonesia menjadi pengawas kegiatan kemanusiaan tersebut;
c. jenis, jumlah, jangka waktu, dan tempat kegiatan; dan
d. tidak terlibat dalam kegiatan yang bertentangan dengan prinsip dan tujuan dasar kegiatan kemanusiaan.

Pasal 29
Palang Merah Indonesia dapat menggunakan Lambang Palang Merah sebagai tanda pengenal untuk memberi tanda pengenal pada barang-barang bantuan yang diberikan kepada korban sengketa bersenjata dan korban bencana.


Pasal 30
Lambang Palang Merah atau Lambang Bulan Sabit Merah yang dilindungi oleh Konvensi Jenewa 1949 tidak dapat didaftarkan sebagai merek dari suatu produk barang atau jasa atau nama suatu badan hukum tertentu.

Pasal 31
(1) Pencegahan penyalahgunaan dan pengawasan penggunaan Lambang Palang Merah atau Lambang Bulan Sabit Merah yang dilindungi oleh Konvensi Jenewa 1949 dilakukan oleh Menteri berkoordinasi dengan menteri terkait.
(2) Dalam usaha pencegahan penyalahgunaan lambang sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1), Pemerintah dapat melakukan sosialisasi, monitoring, dan evaluasi pelaksanaan ketentuan penggunaan lambang.

Pasal 32
Komite Internasional Palang Merah, Federasi Perhimpunan Palang Merah dan Bulan Sabit Merah Internasional, dan perhimpunan nasional Palang Merah atau Bulan Sabit Merah negara lain dapat menggunakan lambang pengenalnya dalam kegiatan kerja sama yang diadakan di wilayah Indonesia setelah berkoordinasi dengan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia.

Pasal 33
Setiap anggota kesehatan, rohaniwan, sarana atau unit-unit dan transportasi kesehatan angkatan perang atau Tentara Nasional Indonesia yang menggunakan Lambang Palang Merah sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 10 atau menggunakan Lambang Bulan Sabit Merah dengan maksud untuk memperoleh keuntungan atau kepentingan militer, dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 (lima) tahun.

Pasal 34
Setiap orang yang menggunakan Lambang Palang Merah tanpa izin Menteri sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 11 dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 3 (tiga) tahun.

Pasal 35

Setiap orang yang tidak menghormati atau tidak memberikan perlindungan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 17 dan Pasal 18, yang mengakibatkan:
a. orang yang menggunakan lambang tersebut luka-luka, dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 7 (tujuh) tahun.
b. matinya orang yang menggunakan lambang tersebut, dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 10 (sepuluh) tahun.
c. rusak atau hancurnya bangunan, sarana, atau fasilitas yang menggunakan lambang tersebut, dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 (lima) tahun.

Pasal 36
(1) Setiap orang yang menggunakan Lambang Palang Merah sebagai tanda pengenal selain anggota perhimpunan, petugas, atau pada bangunan, dan sarana lain yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan kemanusiaan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 22 dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 3 (tiga) bulan atau denda paling banyak Rp. 30.000.000,00 (tiga puluh juta) rupiah.
(2) Ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) berlaku juga bagi penggunaan Lambang Bulan Sabit Merah.

Pasal 37
(1) Setiap orang dalam suatu sengketa bersenjata sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 17 dengan sengaja menyalahgunakan Lambang Palang Merah atau Lambang Bulan Sabit Merah untuk tujuan mengelabui pihak lawan yang mengakibatkan luka atau yang membahayakan jiwa orang lain, dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 7 (tujuh) tahun.
(2) Dalam hal perbuatan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) mengakibatkan orang lain mati, dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 10 (sepuluh) tahun.
Pasal 38
Setiap orang yang menggunakan Lambang Palang Merah, Lambang Bulan Sabit Merah, atau Lambang Palang Merah Indonesia sebagai merek suatu produk barang, jasa, atau nama suatu badan hukum tertentu, dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 3 (tiga) bulan atau denda paling banyak Rp30.000.000,00 (tiga puluh juta) rupiah.

Pasal 39
Dalam hal tindak pidana sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 33 sampai dengan Pasal 38 dilakukan oleh suatu badan usaha atau korporasi, maka pidana yang dijatuhkan adalah pidana denda paling banyak Rp100.000.000,00 (seratus juta rupiah).


Pasal 40
Pada saat Undang-Undang ini mulai berlaku:
a. setiap orang yang telah menggunakan Lambang Palang Merah, Lambang Bulan Sabit Merah, atau Lambang Palang Merah Indonesia sebagai merek produk barang atau jasa sebelum berlakunya Undang-undang ini, dalam jangka waktu paling lambat 12 (dua belas) bulan sejak berlakunya Undang-Undang ini wajib tidak menggunakan lambang pada merek tersebut;
b. simbol Lambang Palang Merah, Lambang Bulan Sabit Merah, atau Lambang Palang Merah Indonesia yang telah digunakan oleh perseorangan, institusi, lembaga, perkumpulan, atau badan hukum yang bukan merupakan institusi yang berwenang berdasarkan Undang-Undang ini wajib diganti dalam waktu paling lambat 12 (dua belas) bulan sejak mulai berlakunya Undang-Undang ini; atau
c. perseorangan, institusi, lembaga, perkumpulan, atau badan hukum yang tidak melaksanakan ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud pada huruf b, dianggap menggunakan simbol Lambang Palang Merah, Lambang Bulan Sabit Merah, atau Lambang Palang Merah Indonesia secara tidak sah.

Pasal 41

Undang-undang ini mulai berlaku pada tanggal diundangkan.
Agar setiap orang mengetahuinya, memerintahkan pengundangan Undang-Undang ini dengan penempatannya dalam Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia.

Disahkan di Jakarta
pada tanggal …


Diundangkan di Jakarta
pada tanggal …




Protocol additional
to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949,
and relating to the Adoption
of an Additional Distinctive Emblem
(Protocol III)
Geneva, 8 December 2005
Protocol additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949,
and relating to the Adoption of an Additional Distinctive Emblem
(Protocol III)
The High Contracting Parties,
(PP1) Reaffirming the provisions of the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949
(in particular Articles 26, 38, 42 and 44 of the First Geneva Convention) and,
where applicable, their Additional Protocols of 8 June 1977 (in particular Articles
18 and 38 of Additional Protocol I and Article 12 of Additional Protocol II),
concerning the use of distinctive emblems,
(PP2) Desiring to supplement the aforementioned provisions so as to enhance their
protective value and universal character,
(PP3) Noting that this Protocol is without prejudice to the recognized right of High
Contracting Parties to continue to use the emblems they are using in conformity
with their obligations under the Geneva Conventions and, where applicable, the
Protocols additional thereto,
(PP4) Recalling that the obligation to respect persons and objects protected by the
Geneva Conventions and the Protocols additional thereto derives from their
protected status under international law and is not dependent on use of the
distinctive emblems, signs or signals,
(PP5) Stressing that the distinctive emblems are not intended to have any religious,
ethnic, racial, regional or political significance,
(PP6) Emphasizing the importance of ensuring full respect for the obligations
relating to the distinctive emblems recognized in the Geneva Conventions, and,
where applicable, the Protocols additional thereto,
(PP7) Recalling that Article 44 of the First Geneva Convention makes the
distinction between the protective use and the indicative use of the distinctive
(PP8) Recalling further that National Societies undertaking activities on the
territory of another State must ensure that the emblems they intend to use within
the framework of such activities may be used in the country where the activity takes
place and in the country or countries of transit,
(PP9) Recognizing the difficulties that certain States and National Societies may
have with the use of the existing distinctive emblems,
(PP10) Noting the determination of the International Committee of the Red Cross,
the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement to retain their current names
and emblems,
Have agreed on the following:
Article 1 - Respect for and scope of application of this Protocol
1. The High Contracting Parties undertake to respect and to ensure respect for this
Protocol in all circumstances.
2. This Protocol reaffirms and supplements the provisions of the four Geneva
Conventions of 12 August 1949 ("the Geneva Conventions") and, where applicable,
of their two Additional Protocols of 8 June 1977 ("the 1977 Additional Protocols")
relating to the distinctive emblems, namely the red cross, the red crescent and the
red lion and sun, and shall apply in the same situations as those referred to in these
Article 2 - Distinctive emblems
1. This Protocol recognizes an additional distinctive emblem in addition to, and for the
same purposes as, the distinctive emblems of the Geneva Conventions. The
distinctive emblems shall enjoy equal status.
2. This additional distinctive emblem, composed of a red frame in the shape of a
square on edge on a white ground, shall conform to the illustration in the Annex to
this Protocol. This distinctive emblem is referred to in this Protocol as the "third
Protocol emblem".
3. The conditions for use of and respect for the third Protocol emblem are identical to
those for the distinctive emblems established by the Geneva Conventions and,
where applicable, the 1977 Additional Protocols.
4. The medical services and religious personnel of armed forces of High Contracting
Parties may, without prejudice to their current emblems, make temporary use of any
distinctive emblem referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article where this may enhance
Article 3 - Indicative use of the third Protocol emblem
1. National Societies of those High Contracting Parties which decide to use the third
Protocol emblem may, in using the emblem in conformity with relevant national
legislation, choose to incorporate within it, for indicative purposes:
a) a distinctive emblem recognized by the Geneva Conventions or a combination of
these emblems; or
b) another emblem which has been in effective use by a High Contracting Party and
was the subject of a communication to the other High Contracting Parties and the
International Committee of the Red Cross through the depositary prior to the
adoption of this Protocol.
Incorporation shall conform to the illustration in the Annex to this Protocol.
2. A National Society which chooses to incorporate within the third Protocol emblem
another emblem in accordance with paragraph 1 above, may, in conformity with
national legislation, use the designation of that emblem and display it within its
national territory.
3. National Societies may, in accordance with national legislation and in exceptional
circumstances and to facilitate their work, make temporary use of the distinctive
emblem referred to in Article 2 of this Protocol.
4. This Article does not affect the legal status of the distinctive emblems recognized in
the Geneva Conventions and in this Protocol, nor does it affect the legal status of
any particular emblem when incorporated for indicative purposes in accordance
with paragraph 1 of this Article.
Article 4 - International Committee of the Red Cross and International
Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
The International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Federation of
Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and their duly authorized personnel, may
use, in exceptional circumstances and to facilitate their work, the distinctive
emblem referred to in Article 2 of this Protocol.
Article 5 - Missions under United Nations auspices
The medical services and religious personnel participating in operations under the
auspices of the United Nations may, with the agreement of participating States, use
one of the distinctive emblems mentioned in Articles 1 and 2.
Article 6 - Prevention and repression of misuse
1. The provisions of the Geneva Conventions and, where applicable, the 1977
Additional Protocols, governing prevention and repression of misuse of the
distinctive emblems shall apply equally to the third Protocol emblem. In particular,
the High Contracting Parties shall take measures necessary for the prevention and
repression, at all times, of any misuse of the distinctive emblems mentioned in
Articles 1 and 2 and their designations, including the perfidious use and the use of
any sign or designation constituting an imitation thereof.
2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1 above, High Contracting Parties may permit prior
users of the third Protocol emblem, or of any sign constituting an imitation thereof,
to continue such use, provided that the said use shall not be such as would appear,
in time of armed conflict, to confer the protection of the Geneva Conventions and,
where applicable, the 1977 Additional Protocols, and provided that the rights to
such use were acquired before the adoption of this Protocol.
Article 7 - Dissemination
The High Contracting Parties undertake, in time of peace as in time of armed
conflict, to disseminate this Protocol as widely as possible in their respective
countries and, in particular, to include the study thereof in their programmes of
military instruction and to encourage the study thereof by the civilian population, so
that this instrument may become known to the armed forces and to the civilian
Article 8 - Signature
This Protocol shall be open for signature by the Parties to the Geneva Conventions
on the day of its adoption and will remain open for a period of twelve months.
Article 9 - Ratification
This Protocol shall be ratified as soon as possible. The instruments of ratification
shall be deposited with the Swiss Federal Council, depositary of the Geneva
Conventions and the 1977 Additional Protocols.
Article 10 - Accession
This Protocol shall be open for accession by any Party to the Geneva Conventions
which has not signed it. The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the
Article 11 - Entry into force
1. This Protocol shall enter into force six months after two instruments of ratification
or accession have been deposited.
2. For each Party to the Geneva Conventions thereafter ratifying or acceding to this
Protocol, it shall enter into force six months after the deposit by such Party of its
instrument of ratification or accession.
Article 12 - Treaty relations upon entry into force of this Protocol
1. When the Parties to the Geneva Conventions are also Parties to this Protocol, the
Conventions shall apply as supplemented by this Protocol.
2. When one of the Parties to the conflict is not bound by this Protocol, the Parties to
the Protocol shall remain bound by it in their mutual relations. They shall
furthermore be bound by this Protocol in relation to each of the Parties which are
not bound by it, if the latter accepts and applies the provisions thereof.
Article 13 - Amendment
1. Any High Contracting Party may propose amendments to this Protocol. The text of
any proposed amendment shall be communicated to the depositary, which shall
decide, after consultation with all the High Contracting Parties, the International
Committee of the Red Cross and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies, whether a conference should be convened to consider the
proposed amendment.
2. The depositary shall invite to that conference all the High Contracting Parties as
well as the Parties to the Geneva Conventions, whether or not they are signatories
of this Protocol.
Article 14 - Denunciation
1. In case a High Contracting Party should denounce this Protocol, the denunciation
shall only take effect one year after receipt of the instrument of denunciation. If,
however, on the expiry of that year the denouncing Party is engaged in a situation
of armed conflict or occupation, the denunciation shall not take effect before the
end of the armed conflict or occupation.
2. The denunciation shall be notified in writing to the depositary, which shall transmit
it to all the High Contracting Parties.
3. The denunciation shall have effect only in respect of the denouncing Party.
4. Any denunciation under paragraph 1 shall not affect the obligations already
incurred, by reason of the armed conflict or occupation, under this Protocol by such
denouncing Party in respect of any act committed before this denunciation becomes
Article 15 - Notifications
The depositary shall inform the High Contracting Parties as well as the Parties to
the Geneva Conventions, whether or not they are signatories of this Protocol, of:
a) signatures affixed to this Protocol and the deposit of instruments of ratification and
accession under Articles 8, 9 and 10;
b) the date of entry into force of this Protocol under Article 11 within ten days of said
entry into force;
c) communications received under Article 13;
d) denunciations under Article 14.
Article 16 - Registration
1. After its entry into force, this Protocol shall be transmitted by the depositary to the
Secretariat of the United Nations for registration and publication, in accordance
with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.
2. The depositary shall also inform the Secretariat of the United Nations of all
ratifications, accessions and denunciations received by it with respect to this
Article 17 - Authentic texts
The original of this Protocol, of which the Arabic, Chinese, English, French,
Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the
depositary, which shall transmit certified true copies thereof to all the Parties to the
Geneva Conventions.
(Article 2, paragraph 2 and Article 3, paragraph 1 of the Protocol)
Article 1 - Distinctive emblem
Article 2 - Indicative use of the third Protocol emblem
Incorporation in
accordance with Art. 3


(adopted by the 25th International Conference
of the Red Cross at Geneva in 1986,
amended in 19951 and 20062)
Preamble..................................................................................................................... 5
General Provisions
Article 1 Definition............................................................................................ 6
Article 2 States Parties to the Geneva Conventions .......................................... 7
Components of the Movement
Article 3 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies ................................ 7
Article 4 Conditions for recognition of National Societies .............................. 9
Article 5 The International Committee of the Red Cross................................. 9
Article 6 The International Federation
of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies ........................................... 11
Article 7 Cooperation........................................................................................ 12
Statutory Bodies
The International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
Article 8 Definition............................................................................................ 13
Article 9 Composition ....................................................................................... 13
Article 10 Functions ............................................................................................ 13
Article 11 Procedure ............................................................................................ 14
The Council of Delegates
of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
Article 12 Definition............................................................................................ 15
Article 13 Composition ....................................................................................... 15
Article 14 Functions ............................................................................................ 16
Article 15 Procedure ............................................................................................ 16
1 Resolution 7 of the 26th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent at Geneva.
2 Resolution 1 of the 29th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent at Geneva.
The Standing Commission of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
Article 16 Definition............................................................................................ 17
Article 17 Composition ....................................................................................... 17
Article 18 Functions ............................................................................................ 18
Article 19 Procedure ............................................................................................ 19
Final Provisions
Article 20 Amendments....................................................................................... 20
Article 21 Entry into force ................................................................................... 20
(adopted by the 25th International Conference
of the Red Cross at Geneva in 1986,
amended in 19953)
General Provisions
Rule 1 General object of these Rules ............................................................. 21
Rule 2 Other rules .......................................................................................... 21
Rule 3 Conflicting provisions ........................................................................ 21
The International Conference
Rule 4 Place and date ..................................................................................... 22
Rule 5 Convocation........................................................................................ 22
Rule 6 Provisional agenda.............................................................................. 22
Rule 7 Submission and despatch of official documents................................ 23
Rule 8 Submission and distribution
of National Society reports on their work.......................................... 23
Rule 9 Participants ......................................................................................... 23
Rule 10 Guests .................................................................................................. 24
Rule 11 Information media.............................................................................. 24
Rule 12 Languages............................................................................................ 24
Rule 13 Alphabetical order .............................................................................. 24
Rule 14 Quorum .............................................................................................. 25
Rule 15 Chairmanship ..................................................................................... 25
Rule 16 Bureau and commissions.................................................................... 25
Rule 17 Notification of proposals .................................................................... 26
Rule 18 Debates................................................................................................ 26
Rule 19 Adoption of resolutions...................................................................... 27
Rule 20 Voting procedure ................................................................................ 28
Rule 21 Election of members of the Standing Commission........................... 28
Rule 22 Proceedings of the Conference........................................................... 29
3 Resolution 7 of the 26th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent at Geneva.
The Council of Delegates
Rule 23 Place and date ..................................................................................... 30
Rule 24 Convocation........................................................................................ 30
Rule 25 Provisional agenda.............................................................................. 30
Rule 26 Opening meeting ................................................................................ 31
Rule 27 Work of the Council ........................................................................... 31
Rule 28 Proceedings of the Council ................................................................ 31
The Standing Commission
Rule 29 Convocation........................................................................................ 31
Rule 30 Quorum .............................................................................................. 32
Rule 31 Proceedings of the Standing Commission......................................... 32
Final Provisions
Rule 32 Amendments to the Statutes and to these Rules ................................ 32
Rule 33 Entry into force of these Rules............................................................ 32
The International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent,
Proclaims that the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the
International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Federation of Red
Cross and Red Crescent Societies together constitute a worldwide humanitarian
movement,whose mission is to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may
be found, to protect life and health and ensure respect for the human being, in
particular in times of armed conflict and other emergencies, to work for the
prevention of disease and for the promotion of health and social welfare, to encourage
voluntary service and a constant readiness to give help by the members of the
Movement, and a universal sense of solidarity towards all those in need of its
protection and assistance.
Reaffirms that, in pursuing its mission, the Movement shall be guided by its
Fundamental Principles, which are:
Humanity The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, born of
a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded
on the battlefield, endeavours, in its international and national
capacity, to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may
be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure
respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding,
friendship, cooperation and lasting peace amongst all peoples.
Impartiality It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs,
class or political opinions. It endeavours to relieve the suffering of
individuals, being guided solely by their needs, and to give priority
to the most urgent cases of distress.
Neutrality In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Movement
may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in
controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature.
Independence The Movement is independent. The National Societies, while
auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of their governments and
subject to the laws of their respective countries, must always
maintain their autonomy so that they may be able at all times to act
in accordance with the principles of the Movement.
Voluntary Service It is a voluntary relief movement not prompted in any manner by
desire for gain.
Unity There can be only one Red Cross or one Red Crescent Society in any
one country. It must be open to all. It must carry on its
humanitarian work throughout its territory.
Universality The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, in which
all Societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and
duties in helping each other, is worldwide.
Recalls that the mottoes of the Movement, Inter arma caritas and Per humanitatem
ad pacem, together express its ideals.
Declares that, by its humanitarian work and the dissemination of its ideals, the
Movement promotes a lasting peace, which is not simply the absence of war, but is a
dynamic process of cooperation among all States and peoples, cooperation founded
on respect for freedom, independence, national sovereignty, equality, human rights, as
well as on a fair and equitable distribution of resources to meet the needs of peoples.
1. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement1 (hereinafter called “the
Movement”) is composed of the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
recognized in accordance with Article 42 (hereinafter called “National Societies”),
of the International Committee of the Red Cross (hereinafter called “the
International Committee”) and of the International Federation of Red Cross and
Red Crescent Societies (hereinafter called “the Federation”).
2. The components of the Movement, while maintaining their independence within
the limits of the present Statutes, act at all times in accordance with the
Fundamental Principles and cooperate with each other in carrying out their
respective tasks in pursuance of their common mission.
3. The components of the Movement meet at the International Conference of the Red
Cross and Red Crescent (hereinafter called “the International Conference”) with
the States Parties to the Geneva Conventions of 27 July 1929 or of 12 August 1949.
1 Also known as the International Red Cross.
2 Any National Society recognized at the date of entry into force of the present Statutes shall be considered as
recognized in terms of Article 4.
States Parties to the Geneva Conventions
1. The States Parties to the Geneva Conventions3 cooperate with the components of
the Movement in accordance with these Conventions, the present Statutes and the
resolutions of the International Conference.
2. Each State shall promote the establishment on its territory of a National Society
and encourage its development.
3. The States, in particular those which have recognized the National Society
constituted on their territory, support, whenever possible, the work of the
components of the Movement. The same components, in their turn and in
accordance with their respective statutes, support as far as possible the
humanitarian activities of the States.
4. The States shall at all times respect the adherence by all the components of the
Movement to the Fundamental Principles.
5. The implementation of the present Statutes by the components of the Movement
shall not affect the sovereignty of States, with due respect for the provisions of
international humanitarian law.
National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
1. The National Societies form the basic units and constitute a vital force of the
Movement. They carry out their humanitarian activities in conformity with their
own statutes and national legislation, in pursuance of the mission of the
Movement, and in accordance with the Fundamental Principles. The National
Societies support the public authorities in their humanitarian tasks, according to
the needs of the people of their respective countries.
2. Within their own countries, National Societies are autonomous national
organizations providing an indispensable framework for the activities of their
voluntary members and their staff. They cooperate with the public authorities in
3 In the present Statutes the expression “Geneva Conventions” also covers their Additional Protocols for the
States Parties to these Protocols.
the prevention of disease, the promotion of health and the mitigation of human
suffering by their own programmes in such fields as education, health and social
welfare, for the benefit of the community.
They organize, in liaison with the public authorities, emergency relief operations
and other services to assist the victims of armed conflicts as provided in the
Geneva Conventions, and the victims of natural disasters and other emergencies
for whom help is needed.
They disseminate and assist their governments in disseminating international
humanitarian law; they take initiatives in this respect. They disseminate the
principles and ideals of the Movement and assist those governments which also
disseminate them. They also cooperate with their governments to ensure respect
for international humanitarian law and to protect the distinctive emblems
recognized by the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols.
3. Internationally, National Societies, each within the limits of its resources, give
assistance for victims of armed conflicts, as provided in the Geneva Conventions,
and for victims of natural disasters and other emergencies. Such assistance, in the
form of services and personnel, of material, financial and moral support, shall be
given through the National Societies concerned, the International Committee or
the Federation.
They contribute, as far as they are able, to the development of other National
Societies which require such assistance, in order to strengthen the Movement as a
International assistance between the components of the Movement shall be
coordinated as provided in Article 5 or Article 6. A National Society which is to
receive such assistance may however undertake the coordination within its own
country, subject to the concurrence of the International Committee or the
Federation, as the case may be.
4. In order to carry out these tasks, the National Societies recruit, train and assign
such personnel as are necessary for the discharge of their responsibilities.
They encourage everyone, and in particular young people, to participate in the
work of the Society.
5. National Societies have a duty to support the Federation in terms of its
Constitution. Whenever possible, they give their voluntary support to the
International Committee in its humanitarian actions.
Conditions for recognition of National Societies
In order to be recognized in terms of Article 5, paragraph 2 b) as a National
Society, the Society shall meet the following conditions:
1. Be constituted on the territory of an independent State where the Geneva
Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in
Armed Forces in the Field is in force.
2. Be the only National Red Cross or Red Crescent Society of the said State and be
directed by a central body which shall alone be competent to represent it in its
dealings with other components of the Movement.
3. Be duly recognized by the legal government of its country on the basis of the
Geneva Conventions and of the national legislation as a voluntary aid society,
auxiliary to the public authorities in the humanitarian field.
4. Have an autonomous status which allows it to operate in conformity with the
Fundamental Principles of the Movement.
5. Use a name and distinctive emblem in conformity with the Geneva Conventions
and their Additional Protocols.
6. Be so organized as to be able to fulfil the tasks defined in its own statutes, including
the preparation in peace time for its statutory tasks in case of armed conflict.
7. Extend its activities to the entire territory of the State.
8. Recruit its voluntary members and its staff without consideration of race, sex, class,
religion or political opinions.
9. Adhere to the present Statutes, share in the fellowship which unites the components
of the Movement and cooperate with them.
10. Respect the Fundamental Principles of the Movement and be guided in its work by
the principles of international humanitarian law.
The International Committee of the Red Cross
1. The International Committee, founded in Geneva in 1863 and formally recognized
in the Geneva Conventions and by International Conferences of the Red Cross, is
an independent humanitarian organization having a status of its own. It co-opts its
members from among Swiss citizens.
2. The role of the International Committee, in accordance with its Statutes, is in
a) to maintain and disseminate the Fundamental Principles of the Movement,
namely humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service,
unity and universality;
b) to recognize any newly established or reconstituted National Society, which
fulfils the conditions for recognition set out in Article 4, and to notify other
National Societies of such recognition;
c) to undertake the tasks incumbent upon it under the Geneva Conventions, to
work for the faithful application of international humanitarian law applicable
in armed conflicts and to take cognizance of any complaints based on alleged
breaches of that law;
d) to endeavour at all times – as a neutral institution whose humanitarian work is
carried out particularly in time of international and other armed conflicts or
internal strife – to ensure the protection of and assistance to military and
civilian victims of such events and of their direct results;
e) to ensure the operation of the Central Tracing Agency as provided in the
Geneva Conventions;
f) to contribute, in anticipation of armed conflicts, to the training of medical
personnel and the preparation of medical equipment, in cooperation with the
National Societies, the military and civilian medical services and other
competent authorities;
g) to work for the understanding and dissemination of knowledge of international
humanitarian law applicable in armed conflicts and to prepare any
development thereof;
h) to carry out mandates entrusted to it by the International Conference.
3. The International Committee may take any humanitarian initiative which comes
within its role as a specifically neutral and independent institution and
intermediary, and may consider any question requiring examination by such an
4. a) It shall maintain close contact with National Societies. In agreement with them,
it shall cooperate in matters of common concern, such as their preparation for
action in times of armed conflict, respect for and development and ratification of
the Geneva Conventions, and the dissemination of the Fundamental Principles
and international humanitarian law.
b) In situations foreseen in paragraph 2 d) of this Article and requiring
coordinated assistance from National Societies of other countries, the
International Committee, in cooperation with the National Society of the
country or countries concerned, shall coordinate such assistance in accordance
with the agreements concluded with the Federation.
5. Within the framework of the present Statutes and subject to the provisions of
Articles 3, 6 and 7, the International Committee shall maintain close contact with
the Federation and cooperate with it in matters of common concern.
6. It shall also maintain relations with governmental authorities and any national or
international institution whose assistance it considers useful.
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
1. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies comprises
the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. It acts under its own
Constitution with all rights and obligations of a corporate body with a legal
2. The Federation is an independent humanitarian organization which is not
governmental, political, racial or sectarian in character.
3. The general object of the Federation is to inspire, encourage, facilitate and promote
at all times all forms of humanitarian activities by the National Societies, with a
view to preventing and alleviating human suffering and thereby contributing to the
maintenance and the promotion of peace in the world.
4. To achieve the general object as defined in paragraph 3 and in the context of the
Fundamental Principles of the Movement, of the resolutions of the International
Conference and within the framework of the present Statutes and subject to the
provisions of Articles 3, 5 and 7, the functions of the Federation, in accordance
with its Constitution, are inter alia the following:
a) to act as the permanent body of liaison, coordination and study between the
National Societies and to give them any assistance they might request;
b) to encourage and promote in every country the establishment and
development of an independent and duly recognized National Society;
c) to bring relief by all available means to all disaster victims;
d) to assist the National Societies in their disaster relief preparedness, in the
organization of their relief actions and in the relief operations themselves;
e) to organize, coordinate and direct international relief actions in accordance
with the Principles and Rules adopted by the International Conference;
f) to encourage and coordinate the participation of the National Societies in
activities for safeguarding public health and the promotion of social welfare in
cooperation with their appropriate national authorities;
g) to encourage and coordinate between National Societies the exchange of ideas
for the education of children and young people in humanitarian ideals and for
the development of friendly relations between young people of all countries;
h) to assist National Societies to recruit members from the population as a whole
and inculcate the principles and ideals of the Movement;
i) to bring help to victims of armed conflicts in accordance with the agreements
concluded with the International Committee;
j) to assist the International Committee in the promotion and development of
international humanitarian law and collaborate with it in the dissemination of
this law and of the Fundamental Principles of the Movement among the
National Societies;
k) to be the official representative of the member Societies in the international
field, inter alia for dealing with decisions and recommendations adopted by its
Assembly and to be the guardian of their integrity and the protector of their
l) to carry out the mandates entrusted to it by the International Conference.
5. In each country the Federation shall act through or in agreement with the National
Society and in conformity with the laws of that country.
1. The components of the Movement shall cooperate with each other in accordance
with their respective statutes and with Articles 1, 3, 5 and 6 of the present Statutes.
2. In particular the International Committee and the Federation shall maintain
frequent regular contact with each other at all appropriate levels so as to coordinate
their activities in the best interest of those who require their protection and
3. Within the framework of the present Statutes and their respective statutes, the
International Committee and the Federation shall conclude with each other any
agreements required to harmonize the conduct of their respective activities.
Should, for any reason, such agreements not exist, Article 5, paragraph 4 b) and
Article 6, paragraph 4 i) shall not apply and the International Committee and the
Federation shall refer to the other provisions of the present Statutes to settle
matters relative to their respective fields of activities.
4. Cooperation between the components of the Movement on a regional basis shall
be undertaken in the spirit of their common mission and the Fundamental
Principles, within the limits of their respective statutes.
5. The components of the Movement, while maintaining their independence and
identity, cooperate whenever necessary with other organizations which are active
in the humanitarian field, provided such organizations are pursuing a purpose
similar to that of the Movement and are prepared to respect the adherence by the
components to the Fundamental Principles.
The International Conference
of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
The International Conference is the supreme deliberative body for the Movement.
At the International Conference, representatives of the components of the Movement
meet with representatives of the States Parties to the Geneva Conventions, the latter in
exercise of their responsibilities under those Conventions and in support of the overall
work of the Movement in terms of Article 2. Together they examine and decide upon
humanitarian matters of common interest and any other related matter.
1. The members of the International Conference shall be the delegations from the
National Societies, from the International Committee, from the Federation and
from the States Parties to the Geneva Conventions.
2. Each of these delegations shall have equal rights expressed by a single vote.
3. A delegate shall belong to only one delegation.
4. A delegation shall not be represented by another delegation or by a member of
another delegation.
1. The International Conference contributes to the unity of the Movement and to the
achievement of its mission in full respect of the Fundamental Principles.
2. The International Conference contributes to the respect for and development of
international humanitarian law and other international conventions of particular
interest to the Movement.
3. The International Conference shall have the sole competence:
a) to amend the present Statutes and the Rules of Procedure of the
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (hereinafter called “Rules of
b) to take, at the request of any of its members, the final decision on any difference of
opinion as to the interpretation and application of these Statutes and Rules;
c) to decide on any question, referred to in Article 18, paragraph 2 b), which may
be submitted to it by the Standing Commission, the International Committee
or the Federation.
4. The International Conference shall elect in a personal capacity those members of
the Standing Commission mentioned in Article 17, paragraph 1 a) of the present
Statutes, taking into account personal qualities and the principle of fair
geographical distribution.
5. Within the limits of the present Statutes and of the Rules of Procedure, the
International Conference shall adopt its decisions, recommendations or
declarations in the form of resolutions.
6. The International Conference may assign mandates to the International
Committee and to the Federation within the limits of their statutes and of the
present Statutes.
7. The International Conference may enact, when necessary and by a two-thirds
majority of its members present and voting, regulations relating to matters such as
procedure and the award of medals.
8. The International Conference may establish for the duration of the Conference
subsidiary bodies in accordance with the Rules of Procedure.
1. The International Conference shall meet every four years, unless it decides
otherwise. It shall be convened by the central body of a National Society, by the
International Committee or by the Federation, under the mandate conferred for
that purpose either by the previous International Conference or by the Standing
Commission as provided in Article 18, paragraph 1 a).As a general rule, favourable
consideration shall be given to any offer made during an International Conference
by a National Society, the International Committee or the Federation to act as host
to the next Conference.
2. Should exceptional circumstances so require, the place and date of the
International Conference may be changed by the Standing Commission. The
Standing Commission may act on its own initiative or on a proposal by the
International Committee, the Federation or at least one third of the National
3. The International Conference shall elect the Chairman, Vice-Chairmen, Secretary
General,Assistant Secretaries General and other officers of the Conference.
4. All participants in the International Conference shall respect the Fundamental
Principles and all documents presented shall conform with these Principles. In
order that the debates of the International Conference shall command the
confidence of all, the Chairman and any elected officer responsible for the conduct
of business shall ensure that none of the speakers at any time engages in
controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature.The Bureau of the
International Conference, as defined in the Rules of Procedure, shall apply the
same standard to documents before authorizing their circulation.
5. In addition to the members entitled to take part in the International Conference,
observers, referred to in Article 18, paragraph 1 d),may attend the meetings of the
Conference, unless the Conference decides otherwise.
6. The International Conference shall not modify either the Statutes of the
International Committee or the Constitution of the Federation nor take decisions
contrary to such statutes. The International Committee and the Federation shall
take no decision contrary to the present Statutes or to the resolutions of the
International Conference.
7. The International Conference shall endeavour to adopt its resolutions by
consensus as provided in the Rules of Procedure. If no consensus is reached, a vote
shall be taken in accordance with these Rules.
8. Subject to the provisions of the present Statutes, the International Conference shall
be governed by the Rules of Procedure.
The Council of Delegates
of the International Red Cross
and Red Crescent Movement
The Council of Delegates of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent
Movement (hereinafter called “the Council”) is the body where the representatives of
all the components of the Movement meet to discuss matters which concern the
Movement as a whole.
1. The members of the Council shall be the delegations from the National Societies,
from the International Committee and from the Federation.
2. Each of these delegations shall have equal rights expressed by a single vote.
1. Within the limits of the present Statutes, the Council shall give an opinion and
where necessary take decisions on all matters concerning the Movement which
may be referred to it by the International Conference, the Standing Commission,
the National Societies, the International Committee or the Federation.
2. When meeting prior to the opening of the International Conference, the Council
a) propose to the Conference the persons to fill the posts mentioned in Article 11,
paragraph 3;
b) adopt the provisional agenda of the Conference.
3. Within the limits of the present Statutes, the Council shall adopt its decisions,
recommendations or declarations in the form of resolutions.
4. Notwithstanding the general provision contained in Article 10, paragraph 7, the
Council may amend, by a two-thirds majority of its members present and voting,
the regulations for the Henry Dunant Medal.
5. The Council may refer any matter to the International Conference.
6. The Council may refer a matter to any of the components of the Movement for
7. The Council may establish by a two-thirds majority of its members present and
voting such subsidiary bodies as may be necessary, specifying their mandate,
duration and membership.
8. The Council shall take no final decision on any matter which, according to the
present Statutes, is within the sole competence of the International Conference,nor
any decision contrary to the resolutions of the latter, or concerning any matter
already settled by the Conference or reserved by it for the agenda of a forthcoming
1. The Council shall meet on the occasion of each International Conference, prior to
the opening of the Conference, and whenever one third of the National Societies,
the International Committee, the Federation or the Standing Commission so
request. In principle, it shall meet on the occasion of each session of the General
Assembly of the Federation. The Council may also meet on its own initiative.
2. The Council shall elect its Chairman and Vice-Chairman. The Council and the
General Assembly of the Federation, as well as the International Conference when
it is convened, shall be chaired by different persons.
3. All participants in the Council shall respect the Fundamental Principles and all
documents presented shall conform with these Principles. In order that the debates
of the Council shall command the confidence of all, the Chairman and any elected
officer responsible for the conduct of business shall ensure that none of the
speakers at any time engages in controversies of a political, racial, religious or
ideological nature.
4. In addition to the members entitled to take part in the Council, observers, referred
to in Article 18, paragraph 4 c), from those “National Societies in the process of
recognition” which appear likely to be recognized in the foreseeable future may
attend the meetings of the Council, unless the Council decides otherwise.
5. The Council shall endeavour to adopt its resolutions by consensus as provided in
the Rules of Procedure. If no consensus is reached, a vote shall be taken in
accordance with the Rules of Procedure.
6. The Council shall be subject to the Rules of Procedure. It may supplement them
when necessary by a two-thirds majority of its members present and voting, unless
the International Conference decides otherwise.
The Standing Commission of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
The Standing Commission of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (called “the
Standing Commission” in the present Statutes) is the trustee of the International
Conference between two Conferences, carrying out the functions laid down in
Article 18.
1. The Standing Commission shall comprise nine members, namely:
a) five who are members of different National Societies, each elected in a personal
capacity by the International Conference according to Article 10, paragraph 4
and holding office until the close of the following International Conference or
until the next Standing Commission has been formally constituted, whichever
is the later;
b) two who are representatives of the International Committee, one of whom shall
be the President;
c) two who are representatives of the Federation,one of whom shall be the President.
2. Should any member referred to in paragraph 1 b) or c) be unable to attend a
meeting of the Standing Commission, he may appoint a substitute for that
meeting, provided that the substitute is not a member of the Commission. Should
any vacancy occur among the members referred to in paragraph 1 a), the Standing
Commission itself shall appoint as a member the candidate who, at the previous
election, obtained the greatest number of votes without being elected, provided
that the person concerned is not a member of the same National Society as an
existing elected member. In case of a tie, the principle of fair geographical
distribution shall be the deciding factor.
3. The Standing Commission shall invite to its meetings, in an advisory capacity and
at least one year before the International Conference is to meet, a representative of
the host organization of the next International Conference.
1. The Standing Commission shall make arrangements for the next International
Conference by:
a) selecting the place and fixing the date thereof, should this not have been
decided by the previous Conference, or should exceptional circumstances so
require in terms of Article 11, paragraph 2;
b) establishing the programme for the Conference;
c) preparing the provisional agenda of the Conference for submission to the
d) establishing by consensus the list of the observers referred to in Article 11,
paragraph 5;
e) promoting the Conference and securing optimum attendance.
2. The Standing Commission shall settle, in the interval between International
Conferences, and subject to any final decision by the Conference:
a) any difference of opinion which may arise as to the interpretation and
application of the present Statutes and of the Rules of Procedure;
b) any question which may be submitted to it by the International Committee or the
Federation in connection with any difference which may arise between them.
3. The Standing Commission shall:
a) promote harmony in the work of the Movement and, in this connection,
coordination among its components;
b) encourage and further the implementation of resolutions of the International
c) examine, with these objects in view,matters which concern the Movement as a
4. The Standing Commission shall make arrangements for the next Council by:
a) selecting the place and fixing the date thereof;
b) preparing the provisional agenda of the Council;
c) establishing by consensus the list of the observers referred to in Article 15,
paragraph 4.
5. The Standing Commission shall administer the award of the Henry Dunant Medal.
6. The Standing Commission may refer to the Council any question concerning the
7. The Standing Commission may establish by consensus such ad hoc bodies as
necessary and nominate the members of these bodies.
8. In carrying out its functions and subject to any final decision by the International
Conference, the Standing Commission shall take any measures which
circumstances demand, provided always that the independence and initiative of
each of the components of the Movement, as defined in the present Statutes, are
strictly safeguarded.
1. The Standing Commission shall hold an ordinary meeting at least twice yearly. It
shall hold an extraordinary meeting when convened by its Chairman, either acting
on his own initiative or at the request of three of its members.
2. The Standing Commission shall have its headquarters in Geneva. It may meet in
another place selected by its Chairman and approved by the majority of its
3. The Standing Commission shall also meet at the same place and at the same time
as the International Conference.
4. All decisions shall be taken by a majority vote of the members present, unless
otherwise specified in the present Statutes or in the Rules of Procedure.
5. The Standing Commission shall elect a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman from
among its members.
6. Within the limits of the present Statutes and of the Rules of Procedure, the
Standing Commission shall establish its own rules of procedure.
Any proposal to amend the present Statutes and the Rules of Procedure must be
placed on the agenda of the International Conference and its text sent to all members
of the Conference at least six months in advance.To be adopted, any amendment shall
require a two-thirds majority of those members of the International Conference
present and voting, after the views of the International Committee and the Federation
have been presented to the Conference.
Entry into force
1. The present Statutes shall replace the Statutes adopted in 1952 by the Eighteenth
International Conference. Any earlier provisions which conflict with the present
Statutes are repealed.
2. The present amended Statutes shall enter into force on 22 June 2006.
General object of these Rules
The general object of these Rules of Procedure (hereinafter called
“these Rules”) is to ensure the implementation of the Statutes of the
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (hereinafter
called “the Statutes”) and to regulate the work of its statutory bodies.
Other rules
1 The statutory bodies of the Movement may enact other rules of
procedure as provided in the Statutes.
2. Any subsidiary body established by the statutory bodies, other
than the plenary commissions of the International Conference,
may draw up by consensus its own rules of procedure. In the
absence of any such rules and to the plenary commissions of the
International Conference, these Rules shall be applied mutatis
Conflicting provisions
The Statutes shall prevail over any other provisions and these
Rules over any other rules or regulations drawn up by the statutory
bodies or by any subsidiary bodies established by them.
Place and date
1. The place and date of the International Conference (hereinafter
called “the Conference”) shall be fixed by the Standing
Commission if the previous Conference has not already decided
on this matter.
2. A decision on the place of the next Conference shall only be taken
after the Conference or the Standing Commission has received an
assurance in writing from the government of the country in which
the next Conference is proposed to be held that all participants as
defined in Rule 9 will be allowed to take part.
3. Any change of the date of the Conference according to Article 11,
paragraph 2 of the Statutes shall be notified by the Standing
Commission to the host of the Conference as soon as possible but
at the latest in time to enable the host organization to despatch the
notice of convocation ninety days before the revised opening date
of the Conference.
A National Society, the International Committee or the
Federation, when mandated to act as host to the Conference, shall
despatch to the members and observers of the Conference the notice
of convocation by registered airmail at least six months before the date
fixed for the opening of the Conference. The notice of convocation
shall indicate the place, opening date and the anticipated duration of
the Conference.
Provisional agenda
1. The programme and the provisional agenda of the Conference
drawn up by the Standing Commission shall accompany the
notice of convocation. The provisional agenda is subject to
approval by the Council.
2. Observations, amendments or additions to the provisional agenda
must be received by the Standing Commission at least sixty days
before the opening of the Conference, unless the Standing
Commission agrees to a later date.
of date
Submission and despatch of official documents
Any document submitted by a member of the Conference for
inclusion as an official working document and for classification as
such must be received by the Standing Commission at the latest
ninety days before the opening of the Conference. The documents
shall be despatched, with the approval of the Standing Commission,
by the International Committee and the Federation to the members
and observers of the Conference at least forty-five days before the
opening of the Conference.
Submission and distribution of National Society
reports on their work
Reports submitted to the Conference by National Societies on
their work since the previous Conference should be sent direct to the
host organization, so as to arrive at least thirty days before the
opening of the Conference, for distribution, subject to the approval of
the Bureau of the Conference.
1. Participants in the Conference shall be the delegates of the
members defined in Article 9 of the Statutes and the observers in
terms of Article 11, paragraph 5 of the Statutes.
2. The name of the delegates of each delegation, one of them
designated as head of delegation, shall be communicated by the
members to the host organization before the first meeting of the
Council. During the Conference the Chairman shall be informed
of any addition, change or deletion regarding the composition of
delegations. No delegate shall be nominated for any official
position unless his name has reached the host organization within
the prescribed time.
3. Observers at the Conference are either invited persons or
representatives of invited organizations; organizations shall
communicate the names of their representatives to the host
organization before the opening of the Conference. Observers
have the right to speak only on the invitation of the Chairman and
to the extent that the Conference has no objections; they shall have
access to the documents of the Conference.
The host organization may issue invitations to guests to the
opening and closing ceremonies and to such other occasions as the
Standing Commission or the Bureau of the Conference may decide.
Information media
The Bureau of the Conference shall be responsible for all matters
relating to official information on the Conference. It shall arrange for
appropriate coverage of the Conference proceedings by the
information media, unless the Conference decides otherwise.
1. The official languages of the Conference shall be Arabic, Chinese,
English, French, Russian and Spanish. The official languages may
be used in debates without the prior permission of the Chairman.
Any delegate wishing to speak in a language other than an official
language shall first obtain the permission of the Chairman.
2. The working languages of the Conference shall be English, French
and Spanish. The working languages are those in which
simultaneous interpretation is provided and are the only
languages in which documents relating to items on the agenda will
be prepared.Any delegate using a language which is not a working
language shall provide for its interpretation into one of the
working languages.
3. The Standing Commission, in agreement with the host
organization, may decide that for a particular Conference the
language of the host country will also be authorized for
simultaneous interpretation.
Alphabetical order
The alphabetical order of the members of the Conference shall be
the alphabetical order of the French names of their respective
countries. The name of the National Society and of the State which
vote first shall be decided by the drawing of lots.
of the host
To be valid, the deliberations of the Conference shall require a
quorum of one third of the total of the components of the Movement
as defined in Article 1 of the Statutes and of the States as defined in
Article 2 of the Statutes.
1. The opening ceremony of the Conference shall be chaired by a
representative of the host organization.
2. The first plenary meeting of the Conference shall be chaired by the
Chairman of the Standing Commission until the Chairman of the
Conference has been elected.
3. At its first plenary meeting the Conference shall elect the
Chairman, Vice-Chairmen, Secretary General and two Assistant
Secretaries General on the proposal of the Council.
4. In addition to the powers conferred upon him elsewhere in these
Rules and subject to paragraphs 1 and 2, the Chairman shall
declare the opening and closing of each plenary meeting of the
Conference, ensure observance of these Rules, conduct all debates,
put questions to the vote and announce the results.He may charge
one of the Vice-Chairmen to replace him during any meeting or
part of a meeting.
5. Any Vice-Chairman charged by the Chairman to represent him
shall have the powers and duties of the Chairman.
Bureau and commissions
1. There shall be a Bureau which shall organize the work of the
Conference. The Bureau shall be chaired by the Chairman of the
Conference and its membership shall include the Chairman of the
Standing Commission, the heads of the delegations from the
International Committee and from the Federation, the Chairmen
of the plenary commissions and the Secretary General of the
2. Plenary commissions are subsidiary bodies open to all
participants in the Conference. The Conference may establish
such commissions for the duration of the Conference as proposed
First plenary
Powers of the
Powers of the
by the Standing Commission. The Conference shall adopt the
agenda of the commissions so established. Each commission shall
elect its Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and Rapporteurs on the
proposal of the Council.
3. The Conference may at any time establish other subsidiary bodies,
including their agendas, for the duration of the Conference.
Notification of proposals
1. The Bureau may propose to the Conference that new items be
added to the agenda, provided that the proposals are submitted to
the Chairman the day before and signed by at least five delegations
to the Conference each belonging to a different country. The
Bureau shall determine the agenda for each meeting, following as
far as possible the order of the subjects proposed by the Standing
Commission and approved by the Council.
2. Subject to the provisions of Article 11, paragraph 4 of the Statutes,
proposals and amendments other than points of order shall be
communicated in writing in advance to the Chairman and
circulated by him to the delegates before being discussed, unless he
decides otherwise. A similar procedure shall apply to other
3. The Chairman may decide that any proposal, or amendment,
including motions of closure, shall be seconded by another
delegation before it can be discussed or voted upon.
1. No delegate may take the floor without first having obtained
permission from the Chairman. Speakers shall be called upon in
the order in which they have signified to the Chairman their desire
to speak. Priority shall be given to the Chairman and Rapporteur
of the Commission concerned or to the delegate responsible for
the respective report, proposal or amendment under discussion.
2. The duration of speeches shall be limited to ten minutes but may
be extended or shortened at the Chairman’s discretion, unless the
Conference decides otherwise.
Additions to
the agenda
Duration of
3. If during a discussion, a delegate raises a point of order, the
discussion shall be suspended and the point of order decided
immediately by the Chairman according to these Rules or, at the
Chairman’s discretion, by the Conference. A delegate raising a
point of order may not speak on the substance of the matter under
4. The following motions shall have precedence in the order set out
below over all other proposals or motions:
a) to suspend the meeting;
b) to adjourn the meeting;
c) to adjourn the debate on the item under discussion;
d) to close the debate on the item under discussion.
Such motions must be seconded by at least four other delegations.
5. Unless the Chairman decides otherwise, only one delegate may
speak for and one against points of order and the motions
mentioned in paragraph 4.
6. Discussion upon each question shall be closed when there is no
further speaker or when a motion of closure has been adopted by
the Conference.During the course of a debate, the Chairman may
announce the list of speakers and, with the consent of the
Conference, declare the list closed. He may accord the right of
reply to any member concerned by a previous intervention.
7. A delegation may appeal against the ruling of the Chairman. The
appeal shall immediately be put to the vote, and the Chairman’s
ruling shall stand unless overruled by a majority of the members
of the Conference present and voting.
Adoption of resolutions
1. Consensus shall be understood to mean the absence of any
objection expressed by a delegation and submitted by it as
constituting an obstacle to the adoption of the resolution in
question. After the adoption by consensus of a resolution, any
delegation may state the standpoint it would have adopted had the
matter been put to vote.
2. If no consensus is reached, resolutions shall be taken by a majority
of those members present and voting.
of order
of motions
Closure of
Appeal against
ruling of
By voting
By consensus
Voting procedure
1. Amendments to a proposal or motion shall be put to the vote
before the proposal or motion. In the event of there being several
amendments, the Chairman shall first put to the vote the
amendment furthest removed from the original proposal.
2. The vote of each delegation shall be expressed by its head or by the
delegate he has designated to replace him. The Chairman shall
have no vote apart from that allocated to his delegation.
3. The majority shall be half the total number of votes cast for or
against the proposal, plus one. The number of those members
present and voting who express a vote of abstention shall be
recorded but not taken into account in determining the majority.
In the event of a tie, the proposal shall be rejected.The result of the
votes shall be announced by the Chairman and included in the
proceedings of the Conference.
4. In the absence of a consensus, the vote shall, as a general rule, be
taken by a show of hands.
5. The vote shall be taken by roll call if ten delegations so request. In
this case all the delegations from the National Societies shall vote
first, then all the delegations from the States, then the delegations
from the International Committee and from the Federation. The
delegations from the National Societies and from the States shall
be called in alphabetical order.
6. The vote shall be taken by secret ballot if ten delegations so
request. In this case the Chairman shall appoint from among the
delegates of the members of the Conference three tellers who, after
all the ballot papers have been collected, shall proceed to a count
of the votes. A valid request for a vote by secret ballot shall take
precedence over a valid request for a vote by roll call.
7. After the Chairman has announced the beginning of voting, no
delegate shall interrupt the voting except on a point of order in
connection with the actual voting procedure.
Election of members of the Standing Commission
1. Nominations for the Standing Commission shall be delivered in
closed envelopes, with the curriculum vitae of each candidate, to
the Chairman of the Bureau, forty-eight hours before the opening
Voting order
Right to vote
Show of hands
Roll call
Secret ballot
of voting
of the meeting in which the election will take place. The Bureau
shall circulate the curriculum vitae of each candidate at least
twenty-four hours before that meeting. When nominating
candidates, personal qualities and the principle of fair
geographical distribution should be taken into account.
2. The election process for the Standing Commission shall start
immediately after the opening of the meeting at which the vote
will take place.
3. The members of the Standing Commission referred to in
Article 10, paragraph 4 of the Statutes shall be elected by secret
ballot by the members of the Conference. For the purpose of
determining the absolute majority required in terms of paragraph
4, a roll call of members shall be taken before voting begins.
4. In the first ballot, the candidates obtaining an absolute majority
shall be declared elected. If more than five candidates obtain an
absolute majority, the five candidates obtaining the largest number
of votes shall be declared elected. If less than five candidates obtain
an absolute majority in the first ballot, a second ballot shall be held
in which the candidate(s) obtaining the largest number of votes
shall be declared elected.
5. In the case of a tie, subsequent ballots shall be held until the
remaining candidate(s) has received a relative majority.After four
ballots the total number of votes cast for each candidate in all four
ballots shall be taken into consideration. If a tie still results, a
decision shall be made by drawing lots.
6. If two or more candidates from the same National Society are in a
position to be declared elected, the candidate obtaining the largest
number of votes shall be considered as elected.
Proceedings of the Conference
1. Unless the Conference decides otherwise, the organization
responsible for convening the Conference shall make the
necessary arrangements for the recording of the plenary meetings
and of the meetings of the plenary commissions of the
2. The following at least shall constitute the proceedings of the
Conference and be collected in one volume:
— the lists of participants (members and observers);
Beginning of
the election
from the same
Recording of
the plenary
meetings and
of the plenary
Content of the
— the list of documents;
— the verbatim record of the plenary meetings of the Conference;
— the reports of the plenary commissions;
— the resolutions of the Conference.
3. The volume mentioned in paragraph 2 shall be published under
the authority of the Standing Commission by the host
organization and issued to the members of the Conference and to
the observers invited to it, if possible not later than one year after
it closes.
4. As far as possible summary reports of the plenary meetings of the
Conference and of its commissions shall be prepared by the host
organization and issued to the members of the Conference the day
following such meetings.
Place and date
The place, date and duration of the Council shall be fixed by the
Standing Commission in accordance with Article 15, paragraph 1 of
the Statutes.
When the Council meets on the occasion of a Conference, the
organization responsible for convening the Conference shall also
convene the Council. In all other cases the Standing Commission shall
be responsible for the convocation.
Provisional agenda
The provisional agenda of the Council shall be prepared by the
Standing Commission.
Daily reports
Opening meeting
1. The opening meeting of the Council, when it meets on the
occasion of a Conference, shall be held before the opening of the
Conference, at a time which takes into account the planned
duration of the Council.
2. The Chairman of the Standing Commission shall chair the
opening meeting until the Chairman of the Council has been
3. In addition to the election of its Chairman and Vice-Chairman
from among its members, the Council shall elect secretaries.
Work of the Council
Unless otherwise specified in the Statutes or in these Rules, the
provisions of these Rules concerning the Conference shall be applied
mutatis mutandis to the meetings of the Council.
Proceedings of the Council
When the Council meets on the occasion of a Conference, the
proceedings of the Council shall also be collected in the volume
mentioned in Rule 22, paragraph 2.
Immediately after the election of the members of the Standing
Commission the Chairman of the Conference shall convoke the
members of the new Commission who are present. These members
shall decide by majority who shall be responsible for convening the
first meeting of the Commission. If practicable, the first meeting, at
which the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman shall be elected, should
be held forthwith.
Election of
and secretaries
To be valid, the deliberations of the Standing Commission shall
require a quorum of five members.
Proceedings of the Standing Commission
When the Standing Commission meets on the occasion of a
Conference in accordance with Rule 29, its proceedings shall be
included in the volume mentioned in Rule 22, paragraph 2.
Amendments to the Statutes and to these Rules
1. In pursuance of Article 20 of the Statutes, the text of proposed
amendments to the Statutes or to these Rules shall be
communicated to the Chairman of the Standing Commission in
such time as will permit him to transmit copies thereof together
with the comments of the International Committee and the
Federation to the members of the Conference no later than six
months before the opening session of the Conference.
2. The International Committee and the Federation shall present
their comments to the proposed amendments in time to enable the
Standing Commission to fulfil its obligation arising from the
preceding paragraph.
3. The Conference shall decide on which date any adopted
amendment shall enter into force.
Entry into force of these Rules
1. These Rules shall replace the Rules of Procedure of the
International Conference of the Red Cross adopted in 1952 by the
Eighteenth Conference.Any earlier provision which conflicts with
these Rules is repealed.
2. These Rules shall enter into force on 8 November 1986.
of proposals
of the
Committee and
the Federation
Entry into
force of the